ATLANTIS LEGENG: Tragic Story Under Water

July 02, 2023



  Although The title of  Tragic Story under the Water reminds the trip with a submarine, the Ocean Gate submarine, to see the shipwreck of the famous Titanic, the Ocean Gate submarine ended with death. As happened in Titanic and ocean gate submarine, In Atlantis story also has unanswered questions. But Atlantis is the more mythologic story told by Plato.





There is no exact location that Atlantis exists in. Most of the research says that Atlantis is somewhere in the Mediterranean region. Moreover, It was a city held on islands. But As we know that continents are moving for years slowly but in past it was more vital. Whole continents were separated from Pangea the main continent so Some researchers think that it was a part of the north pole then the island of Atlantis moved to the Mediterranean region. Therefore the represented images and illustrations are more Greek themes.




The legend of Atlantis is a city built by Poseidon, the god of sea, earthquake and storm. Why he did build it? Of course for the sake of love. He fell in love with Cleito the mortal woman. The city was at the top of the hill and he wanted to protect her at all costs.

The city was surrounded by five rings of water and tunnels. The city was guarded by towers and huge gates. It was decorated with stones coloured with black, white and red. Everything was awesome. Cleito and Posedion married but then Posedion got jealous of her. He started to think that he wasn’t loyal so He captured her to a place called Hill of Cleito. The hill was guarded and surrounded by huge moats and pillars.

 They had 10 sons, one of them called Atlas was the first ruler of Atlantis



 The question you are looking for ‘Well then how did it fall ?’ In every religion’s moral story It is obvious that if immorality rises then collapse is undeniable. This is happening here too. In Atlantis immoral behaviours which made the gods mad arose fast so, The gods sent earthquakes and fire to drown Atlantis. It worked. fire destroyed the city, earthquakes made tsunamis and flood and it drown.


For years It is told as a legend but Some discovered pieces are seen as proof that Atlantis is real

Who knows if It is real or not but don’t make the god mad J

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